Thursday, October 21, 2010

“My generation said: “IT IS TRUTH, THEREFORE IT WORKS".The younger generations says, “IF IT WORKS IT IS TRUTH"
What do you think of these statements?
I think the statements themselves are true but is the premise of either one right or wrong?
We, the older generation did accept the truths we were taught as absolute. If they didn’t work it was our fault, not the fault of the truth we had been taught all our lives.
We didn’t question the truth itself. There isn’t anything wrong with this thinking, or is there?
Why do young people question the same truths that were passed down to them?
Is it because they see that they didn’t really work for their parents? Or is it because we didn’t stick to the absolutes but added on or our own traditions, denominational ideas and prejudices?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Love Will Keep Us Together?

50 years! It is so hard to believe we have actually been married 50 years. Someone said that we must really love each other a lot to stay together that long. I thought a lot about that and came to some conclusions.
I don't think it was because we loved each other so much. There were times when that love got a little thin. A pastor told me one time that usually sexual issues(often blamed for incompatibility) are not usually the real reason for discord in a marriage. He said it is usually one of three things - disagreements on how to raise the children, financial issues or communication. He said if those things were good intimacy would take care of itself. Perhaps he was right.
In the early years of marriage when passion begins to wane a bit, finances are tight, you have these little people staring up into your face asking to be raised and communication becomes a battle or non existent there has to be more than love to keep you together (at least we needed more) and that was COMMITMENT. Commitment to each other and to our children. And of course that stood for both of us.
We had no idea where that commitment would take us when we stood in front of the pastor and our guests and said, "For better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health", but we did mean it. We said it because we were madly in love with each other and wanted to be together for the rest of our lives. However, there came days or periods of time when we weren't so sure about that.
Billy gtraham's wife was asked if she had ever considered divorce. "Divorce? Never. Murder, yes", she replied.
Because Lewis came from a home divided as far as religion was concerned he was deteremined that this issue would be resolved before he got married. I was also committed to being in agreement on faith matters with the person I married. I recall the date where we prayed together about this, committing ourselves to allowing God to be the head of our home and to living according to His plan for us. It was commitment we chose to make before we got married.
Although many do not make that particular commitment and still remain committed to each other, I believe for us it was because of this commitment that we made it through some very rough times. Gods word was our guide in raising our children, handling our finances and teaching us about how to live individually and together. It was the rock we stood on and lived and taught our children so they would have a frim foundation to stand on in this world of shifting ideas and morals.
As the years have passed and we have stayed true to those commitments our love for one another has grown to such a depth that we know, Love Will Keep Us together.

PS the other day I was having lunch with my two grand daughters and I told them that if I lost my husband I would not get married again. When I thought about that later I realized they must have been thinking. "Geez, of course not GRANDMA!!"

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lesson 1 in the Year of the Dog

When you heard the confession from Tiger Woods what was your reaction? Did you react as the media did with cynicism that he only said what he did because he got caught and he cried crocodile tears oly because of all the money he is losing?
That was my first reaction and then I was reminded by my master that he shows me grace and forgives me when I ask even though he knows I may disappoint him again. He also reminded me that I am not the judge "Judge not, lest you be judged." and "He who has no sin let him cast the first stone". Sometimes we need to be tapped on the head (quite hard at times) and reminded about the grace that has been shown to us.
Then a short time after that I once again judged someone close to me without knowing that persons heart. It is not my business to judge anyone!!
My master Jesus only asks me to love as he loves and leave the judging up to him. It is a hard thing to remember and I wonder why when I am loved so much and shown so much grace.
Tiger will have to answer for his own deeds (they are not worse than mine in God's eyes) and after a sharp reminder from my master I choose to love him and pray for him as well as the friend in my own orbit.
Now I will curl up in my masters lap thankful for his grace and his gentle reminder.

Yes, Rebekah

Yes, Rebekah you are right. Because I trust I can question. Who else would I ask?
In my hurting and questioning heart I can keep telling myself over and over again that, "God is sufficient" "God will supply all my needs", "He will comfort", "He knows what is best" "It is his will" or I can be honest and cry out to him that I don't understand. Like Moses, Mary, Job or David I can dare to question why?
Questions, no matter how arrogant, ignorant or raw are a sign of humility on my part as I admit I am not God and there is so much to learn from the one who has all the answers.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Do you not question why a mother in Africa who loves and serves God is weeping over her dying child just like the mother next to her who rejects a loving God?
I guess I am a questioner and I believe it is okay with God to ask, why?
I challenged him when I lost my son. As I stood beside his dying body there in the hospital I said to God, “Is everything true that I have always believed? It had better be because otherwise this just doesn’t make any sense.”
Because He is God I chose to believe and accept even though I didn’t understand and I also knew I wouldn’t get through this without Him. He had proven himself worthy of trust in the past and he would be there in my future.
Do you think that is the way it is with those in Haiti who come out from under the rubble praising Jesus because they have been saved?
I have been interested in the comments of the world as they watch these scenes. Anderson Cooper of CNN reported to Larry King that one of the Haitian pastors had preached on the Sunday following the quake that Haiti was being punished for its voodoo worship and they needed to repent. When Larry questioned that teaching, Anderson said that a lot of the people seemed to believe that was true. Larry made a sneering come back about all the little children who lost their lives who had nothing to do with the sins of the nation.
First off let me say I do not support someone like Pat Robertson. We are not to judge and we are not God. In the Bible when someone asked Jesus why (they dared question then too) the man had been born blind Jesus said, “neither this man nor his parents sinned … this has happened that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” Jn. 9 Wow!! Is that fair?
I have always questioned the fairness of corporate punishment for the sins of leaders. If you read through the Bible you will see many many cases where whole nations, whole churches even whole families suffered because of the decisions of one person (Moses, David, Samson, new testament churches) and then of course we have the terrible troubles of Job who was a pawn in a sense between God and the devil.
It began right in the beginning. Adam sinned and condemnation fell on the whole human race!! Is that fair?
Can you think of leaders in our world who have done great injustices and sins which has caused huge suffering on their people?
It makes me see how important good and Godly leadership is and that leadership can be as kings, presidents, prime ministers, preachers, teachers and parents. What a huge responsibility we have as leaders in whatever area of our lives we are giving leadership.
I feel like I am preaching a sermon so I will quit but before I do I must proclaim that “Just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, So also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men.
For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.!!”

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Ke, my young Chinese friend told me it is the year of the Tiger in China.
It made me wonder what could be my symbol this year.

The Skunk? It stinks.
- I could certainly identify being this is my 70th year on this earth
The Bear? Cranky. Cuddly.
- not me
The Lion? Roaring around seeing whom it can devour?
- nope, don’t relate
The Moose? Big, ugly, clumsy
- not what I am aiming for
The Coyote? Sly and sneaky?
- no, my life is an open book
The wolf? Howling at the moon?
- sometimes I howl at things that cannot be changed
The Dog? Sometimes restless, sometimes content
- yep, that’s more like me
It is THE YEAR OF THE DOG for me

What is it that makes a good Dog?
Being present, near
A Companion

I will lie down in peace at my masters feet
- content just to be
I will run back and forth and pace
- restless, wanting to be more , do more
- unhappy in my circumstances
- not happy with the status quo
I will be faithful
- my master is always faithful to me
I will be needy at times
- needing to sit on my masters lap, be held, loved and comforted
I will yelp
- I will be hurt at times
I will growl and maybe even bite
- I will need restraining
I will need discipline
- I know this from past years
- it will be painful, but necessary
I will protect my master
- this is a given because he is the ultimate master
- how can I do less
I will serve my master
- will bring his slippers
- will feed, comfort and clothe his subjects
I will walk with my master
- be a companion

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